Diaspora Generation

I tried to keep quiet and a blind eye but my Ancestors and my conscience wouldn't let me after my experience to Cape Coast Castle in Ghana...
"I’m one of the voices of a Free Spirit Planet."
" There is something crucial about this moment in the globalized society.
We the diaspora know we're not alone now, we can reach out to each other to start reconnecting with our roots.
The diaspora is about identity and exploration of our roots and finding our true center. Therefore creating an alternative narrative of our homeland to embrace Mother Africa from first hand experience.s
Voicing the truth and not the fake news network.
Africa connects to the energy of our planet by Paying homage to the diversity, the soul,the spirit, the dream.

We all have one thing in common and that's the achievement of love, peace and wellness. While traveling to 49 countries on all continents and living in 10, Calvin Campbell who is the owner/operator of FreeSpiritPlanet has been nothing but inspired. From places like Accra Ghana, West Africa, St. Petersburg, Russia, Rio de Janeiro, to Brazil and now St. Petersburg, Florida where he currently reside; Calvin feels like he was placed here for a specific reason, even more so because he doesn't believe in coincidences. Everything happens for a reason and living in the St. Pete area makes that very evident to him. The more he sees and discovers in St. Petersburg, the more he thinks about the time he was inspired at a week long ceremony Ciranda, Which is a large property located outside of Rio de Janeiro. Everyone at this ceremony gathered to celebrate and honor the very life they were given here on this Earth. The state of peace, happiness, and love everyone was in made him feel so uplifted and a little shocked that something like this could be accomplished on such a large scale.
Another substantial inspiration on his journey was living in Ghana and not only being able to see the amount of gratitude, healing, and reflection first hand which was happening all around him; even in the poorest of neighborhoods but to also FEEL the healing spirits and energies around him. The Door of No Return which is also in Africa allowed him to see how truly blessed we all are because this was a place we weren't supposed to return to but he was standing at that very spot honoring his ancestors that gave their life so he could be here today.
He came back to the states and put his magic to work and created the first TranZen Dance Celebration in South Beach, Miami which was a huge success. He was able to host a community celebration in a healthy environment that allowed the community members to network, share, and exchange great energy and information with like minds. He also brought that Zen experience to St. Petersburg, Florida! He hosted a celebration of embracing each other with positive energy exchanges, loving one another, and most importantly having a place we all can come to connect, reflect, and dance our way back to health and wellness. It was time to spread the love, peace, and wellness that he sees in the streets of St. Petersburg from person to person, community to community, city to city, and eventually state to state! We need it more than ever living in the constant chaos of the world' it's time to quite the noise and reflect on all the good happening to us and around us.